
Solar / April 14, 2014

Solar Leases Versus Solar Purchase or Finance

Mauzy Heating, Air & Solar has exciting news: we’re adding Solar Panel & Solar Energy services to our wide range of products! By offering you a one stop solution to your Solar, HVAC & other home improvement needs, the Mauzy Heating, Air & Solar Team can offer intelligent pricing and an integrated approach to home improvement. Today, we’re here to discuss the pros and cons of solar leases versus purchasing your solar panels or financing your solar panels.

The Benefits of Solar Panel Purchases or Financing

Purchasing or financing solar panels for your home is oftentimes the best idea for most homeowners. Consider this: by purchasing or financing your solar panels, you can add an equitable asset to your home which can appreciate the value of your home! In addition to this, you can secure your own financing at a lower rate than that of a lease contract and retain ownership of the solar panel system in perpetuity. While these are only some basic benefits, many homeowners find that leasing can be more restrictive whereas purchasing or financing your solar panel installation is more beneficial to their own interests.

The Negatives of Solar Panel Leases

While leases can offer attractive terms and what appears to be low monthly payments, you’ll want to consider the negatives too. Regularly, the financed rate that you pay through a lease is much higher than securing personal financing through a direct financing agreement or the equity in your home. In addition to that, the lease of the solar panels is bound to your property! Due to this, if you were to sell your house, you would have to negotiate the solar lease as part of the property sale for the next owner which can often devalue the property compared to your local market.

More Information about Solar Panel Leases VS Solar Panel Purchases

This article touches on some basic points about Solar Panel Purchasing & Leasing – click over to our full page about this topic here to learn more about the specific details!

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