
Solar / June 21, 2016

Proof in the Roof

Factors that Make Your Roof Supreme for Solar

Many San Diego homeowners are choosing solar energy to reduce HVAC bills and minimize carbon emissions. Unfortunately, though, not every roof is suited for solar. Roofing type, orientation, pitch, and other factors influence the performance of your San Diego solar system.

To assure a return on your solar investment, leave panel placement to the professionals. As part of your installation package, a qualified photovoltaic specialist should spend ample time determining the best mounting area for your residential PV system.

Roof Factors for Optimal Solar Placement

Your CA home stands to benefit the most from residential solar installation when:

Your roof faces south. Solar panel placement is critical to energy production. When solar panels are mounted on a south-facing roof, they receive direct sunlight throughout the day. West-facing panels are also efficient, and are proven to generate the most energy during high-demand periods. Your solar roof specialist will recommend PV placement according to your roof’s orientation.

Roof pitch is equal to your home’s latitude. Fixed, roof-mounted systems generate optimal power when PV panels are placed at a latitude equal to your home’s location. Generally speaking, 30 degrees is a good rule of thumb for most home solar systems. If your roof is flat, it may require innovative PV racks to effectively position panels. While steep roofs make solar installation a bit more difficult, their impact on energy production is negligible.

Your roof’s integrity is sound. Older roofs may need replacing before a solar expert can install photovoltaic panels. Once a solar system is mounted on your roof, it costs more to repair or replace ailing shingles, tiles, or metal. Consider upgrading the roof before going solar if you think you will need a new roof in less than five years.

Your roof is not shaded. If your home sits near tall buildings or large trees, it is not ideal for solar production. Before investing in photovoltaic energy, replant large shade trees and trim the branches of nearby vegetation to increase your roof’s sun exposure.

You have uninterrupted space. Roofs obstructed by skylights, dormer windows, vents, and frequent pitch changes make solar installation difficult. Consider an alternative mounting option if this is the case for your home. When a roof array is not possible, poles and ground racks are another option—and they are easy to access for maintenance and panel adjustment.

Install Solar Power for Home in San Diego, CA

At Mauzy Solar, we supply no-obligation consultations to determine if solar is right for you. Offering full-service installation, repair, and maintenance solutions for San Diego photovoltaic equipment, we tailor PV systems to your roof’s structure and layout to ensure unsurpassed energy savings.

Before installing your solar system, Mauzy Solar’s specialists complete a comprehensive roof assessment. If your roof is not suited to solar, we discuss ground-mounted and pole-mounted options that defray energy costs and allow you to export excess energy to the grid.

Call 619.448.9545 to schedule a no-obligation consultation today, or click here to submit your request online.

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