
Air Conditioning / August 10, 2021

AC Pads: Functions, Materials, and Factors to Consider

An air conditioning system should sit on a firm and level surface. Such a surface helps with the system’s stability and operations. AC technicians refer to such surfaces as AC pads. Below are a few things you should know about the pads.


AC pads have multiple functions. Below are four of them.

1. Preventing Vibrations

The outside AC unit has several moving parts, including the compressor motor. The movement induces vibrations on the unit, which is not good. For example, the vibrations will increase the unit’s wear and tear and loosen its connections. The result will be frequent AC malfunctions. The vibrations will also make your AC noisier than it should be. The pads dampen the vibrations.

2. Preventing Pest Infestation

Many pests are small and crawl on the ground. The pests can easily get into your AC and wreak havoc if the condenser unit is directly on the ground. For example, the bugs can clog the condenser coils or damage the wiring. Raising the unit off the ground minimizes the chance that pests will get into it.

3. Preventing Flooding

The outside AC unit can survive different kinds of weather. However, extreme flooding reduces the unit’s efficiency and durability. For example:

  • The debris in floodwater can clog the condenser coils
  • A flooded unit will suffer air circulation problems
  • The floodwater can corrode the condenser metals
  • The flooding can cause condenser electrical malfunctions

The pad raises the unit off the ground and reduces its risk of flooding.

4. Preventing Unit Sinking

In many places, the ground is not strong enough to prevent the condenser unit from sinking. Since the units are relatively heavy, not having a condenser pad may cause the unit to sink over time. The sunken part of the unit might suffer the same problems as a flooded unit. However, the AC pads are strong and wide enough to prevent sinking.


Don’t just use anything as a condenser unit pad. The material should:

  • Be strong enough to support the unit’s weight
  • Provide a level surface for the unit
  • Be relatively weather-resistant

Below are three common materials you can use.

1. Concrete

A concrete pad is relatively strong and can bear the weight of even the biggest AC units.

2. Plastic

Some homeowners prefer plastic condenser pads because it is relatively strong and weather-resistant. Recycled plastic is another option, which is good for the environment since it reduces landfill waste and the need to manufacture new materials.

3. Rubber

Rubber makes a good pad material as it is waterproof. The only drawback is that rubber might suffer sunlight damage sooner than the other materials.

Factors to Consider

A pad is a critical but relatively inexpensive part of the AC system. Below are the top factors to consider when installing a pad.

1. Weight of the Unit

The pad should be strong enough to support the unit without suffering damage. Most residential AC units are relatively light and can be set on most materials. Commercial units tend to be heavier and are better off on concrete pads.

2. Size of the Unit

The pad’s surface should be slightly larger than the AC unit. That way, the pad will easily support the entire unit without any risk of slipping.

3. Requirements of the Manufacturer

AC manufacturers have sizing requirements for pads. Thus, you shouldn’t install a pad before knowing your unit’s make, model, and other requirements. You need more than an AC system to have a functional and efficient cooling system. Contact Mauzy Heating, Air & Solar about our AC systems and accessories, and we will help you get everything you need for the installation.

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