
Solar / August 17, 2014

Not Sure How Much Solar Will Cost You?

Calculating the Cost

Are you interested in making energy efficient upgrades to your home, like adding solar panels? Are you unsure of how much solar panels and solar panel installation will cost you? This is a normal concern for any homeowner. Rest assured, solar panel purchases and installation costs have greatly reduced in the past few years, due to the fact that solar panels have become readily available for the average homeowner to purchase. This means that the price you were previously thinking of, may have come down recently. Each home is different, so to get the best answer you can schedule a time to get a solar quote for your home!

Financing Your Purchase in San Diego

You don’t have to worry about paying for your entire solar purchase in a large lump sum. We offer financing through the HERO or PACE Program of San Diego. This program allows homeowners to make the energy efficient upgrades to their home that they need. This way, you can finance your purchase and pay it off over time. These low and affordable payments are even tied to the property, and not to your personal credit. This allows for flexible terms, and can help you save in the long run. It only takes a few minutes to apply and to find out how much you are approved for. We can even help you apply!

Getting Started

To read more about the HERO or PACE Program of San Diego, check out our page here. We look forward to helping you make energy efficient upgrades to your home that will last a lifetime. Get in touch with the Mauzy Solar Team today for more information!

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