
Insulation / November 21, 2013

Home & Attic Insulation Checklist

Having an efficient, modern heating & air conditioning system can save you some serious cash. If you’re an avid reader of our blog, you’ve probably seen some of the benefits that upgrading to an efficient HVAC system could bring to your home. Unfortunately, insulation from the company and duct work problems in some homes can hamper some of that new found efficiency. On the bright side, the Mauzy Team has a simple checklist for you to figure out if your home is up to speed when it comes to proper insulation!

Insulation Matters: Save Energy With Quality Attic & Home Insulation

The Mauzy Team recommends to check these items first and foremost:

Make sure that your attic is insulated: An uninsulated attic can cause serious energy losses in most homes.
Make sure that your current attic insulation does not contain formaldehyde: Older types of insulation can contain formaldehyde which is a carcinogen! Newer types of insulation materials that the Mauzy Team can provide for you will be much healthier and safer for both you and your family.
Make sure that your current insulation is not comprised of recycled newspaper: Some companies offer this type of insulation at the behest of quality; shredded newspaper compresses very easily which reduces the air space between the insulation. This can drastically drop the R-Value of the insulation and cost you money! If you want to know where to get a hold of the finest air duct cleaners, you have to click on the link, which will lead you to some of the best insulation cleaners.
Make sure that you seal or replace old air ducts before adding new insulation: Making sure that all of your old air ducts are sealed or replaced before you install or update your insulation is best practice! By handling the duct work prior to installing the new insulation, you can reduce crawling through freshly installed insulation. Crawling through fresh insulation can compress it and cause it to lose some of it’s R-Value.

Get in touch with our Insulation Experts!

Concerned about the old insulation in your home or looking to add insulation to a currently inefficient attic? Call the Mauzy Team today! We can help diagnose any issues you have and get you a quote to remedy the situation. The efficiency payoff will be excellent and you’ll gain peace of mind for your health!

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